Global Competitiveness Index 2021
Read the storyAccording to the 2021 competitiveness report, the World Competitiveness Yearbook, the Grand Duchy is the 12th most competitive country in the world and far outstrips its direct competitors Germany (15th), Belgium (24th) and France (29st). The 2021 world...
Sustainability Bond Framework
Read the storyOn 2 September 2020, Luxembourg launched its Sustainability Bond Framework, which meets the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds principles, the standard in the field. Just a few days later, the country also issued...
Digital Economy & Society Index
The Digital Economy & Society Index (DESI), published by the European Commission, examines the evolution of countries of the European Union (EU) towards a digital economy and society . Objective: allowing member states to identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well
European Innovation Scoreboard
Read the storyLuxembourg is the 7th best performing country in the EU. This is the finding of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), which aims to measure and compare the relative innovation performance of the 27 EU member states.
2019 Global Competitiveness Report
Read the storyThe eagerly awaited 2019 edition of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report, which ranks the competitiveness of 141 countries worldwide, places the Grand Duchy in 18th place overall. That means the Grand Duchy has risen by one...
The new Silk Road leads to the Grand Duchy
Read the storyThe Grand Duchy's logistics sector has just gained an extremely important partner: the Chinese city of Chengdu, capital of Szechuan province in the centre of the People's Republic. From there, a reliable, top-quality rail link covering more than...
Foreign Trade
Read the storyLuxembourg has established a name for itself as a dynamic and widely open economy. The Grand Duchy is part of the European Union and the Schengen area, and it has a strategic position in the heart of Europe....
Portrait of the Luxembourg economy
Get to know Luxembourg’s economy, a thriving multilingual hub staunchly oriented towards the future. In this article, we give you a tour of our industrial past and tell you how we help the world face the challenges of tomorrow.
Key sectors
The financial sector, cornerstone of the economy
Luxembourg is one of the world's leading financial centres, and the sector forms the backbone of the country's economy. The CEO of Luxembourg for Finance talks to us about the challenges currently facing the financial centre.
Health technologies: a thriving and innovative sector
Luxembourg's HealthTech industry is booming! With flourishing public-private partnerships, innovative incubators and a prolific and supportive research environment the sector attracts talent from around the world.
Wood, an industry with a bright future
An ancestral material par excellence, wood today plays a key role in two of Luxembourg's major political challenges: the launch of the circular economy and the fight against the effects of climate change.
Luxembourg with one foot on the moon
With the return to Earth of the Orion spacecraft, the Artemis I mission has been completed. 21 countries are participating in this adventure, including Luxembourg. Marc Serres, CEO of the LSA, explains why this mission is important for the Grand Duchy.
Artemis - Luxembourg heads for the Moon
The United States wants to return to the Moon by 2024. The purpose of the mission is to explore the night sky and build a lunar base there. This programme is called Artemis. Eight countries are participating in this mission, including Luxembourg.
Luxembourg's Circular Economy
Read the storyCircular economy is the future. The idea of endlessly recycling or even upgrading resources could solve essential problems of our time, i.e. environmental protection or scarcity of resources. Luxembourg recognised the opportunities early on and is now actively...
Business and congress tourism (MICE)
Read the storyAre you looking for a unique setting for your next congress, conference, seminar or show? Are you planning a business trip? The best infrastructures can be found in Luxembourg, the heart of Europe and the ideal place to...
Maritime sector
Even though Luxembourg does not have direct access to the sea, the maritime sector has been developing since the 1990s. More than 200 ships fly the flag boasting the red lion and around 225 companies active in the sector are established in Luxembourg.
Green Finance
Read the storyThe Luxembourg Government has launched several initiatives with the aim to promote innovative financial ideas to fight against climate change. The Grand Duchy already emerges as a Green Finance leader. Did you know that the first 'green' stock...
Industry in Luxembourg: a sector on the move
Luxembourg's industrial sector is currently presenting itself as a platform for sustainable innovation. In transition to a new industrial era, the sector is preparing for a digitalised future in order to maintain its competitiveness and resilience.
Information and communication technologies
Digitalisation obviously brings with it opportunities and challenges. To remain internationally competitive, the Grand Duchy is pushing ahead with the development of its digital infrastructures and cutting-edge technologies.
Read the storyAre you looking for a well-connected logistics centre for your activities? Do you need first-class infrastructures to satisfy the needs of your clients? Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg has established itself as an ideal intercontinental and...
Home to the European Satellite Society and the Luxembourg Space Agency, Luxembourg has also developed the initiative to create a favourable legal environment for companies. A universe to discover!
Automotive sector and smart mobility
A hub for the automotive industry and innovative mobility: Luxembourg offers a dynamic environment characterised by collaboration and modern infrastructure. Find out why well-known companies choose the Grand Duchy as their base for development.
Financial Centre: a leading cross-border financial centre with a unique offering
Luxembourg provides international financial firms with a solution-driven financial centre that provides a wide array of services to manage cross-border international finance.
Read the storyToday, philantropists are often world citizens whose action extends to several countries. The high concentration of international legal, tax and financial experts are arguments that prompt the world's philanthropists to establish their foundation in the Grand Duchy. Since...
Audiovisual production
Read the storyAlthough it is far from able to boast a long and rich tradition of national cinema, in recent years, the Grand Duchy has found its place in the international audiovisual industry. Proof of this is that a good...
ChronoPilot: Sahar Niknam explores the perception of time
Sahar Niknam completed an impressive academic journey before arriving in Luxembourg, but focused mainly on AI. In Luxembourg, she is part of the EU-funded ChronoPilot project, which analyses how humans perceive time.
What can the MeluXina supercomputer do?
Luxembourg has acquired one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe. The new machine is capable of performing trillions of operations per second. But what is the actual use of this machine?
Autonomous driving forging ahead in Luxembourg
The 360Lab of the University of Luxembourg is the first thematic research laboratory dedicated to intelligent mobility. Discover the advances in the field of autonomous driving and its role in a safer and sustainable mobility ecosystem.
Funding programmes of the Luxembourg National Research Fund
The FNR is the main funding body for research in Luxembourg. The FNR's financing instruments seek excellence and quality in research and support PhD students, projects and programmes.
Research and innovation in Luxembourg
Luxembourg has implemented a national research and innovation strategy. The goal: to become a sustainable, diverse and digital knowledge society and to build a better future. Focus on the current scientific ecosystem!
Emma Schymanski - the ATTRACT scholarship holder has found Luxembourg to be a great place to work and live.
Emma Schymanski is on the hunt for unknowns. The young Australian researcher has established a group at the University of Luxembourg, which tracks down unknown chemicals and identifies them to assess their effects on the environment.
Mr Science or science for everyone
Who is behind Mr Science, the rock star of the Luxembourg scientific scene? We take stock with Joseph Rodesch and discuss the role of science communication in our society.
Top 5: Inventions and innovations made in Luxembourg
From the cradle of humanity to the present day, many inventions have marked the development of our society. Did you know that Luxembourg has also left its mark on the human adventure through its innovations? Dive into the heart of Luxembourg's genius.
Read the storyThe building sector is changing rapidly. In addition to new technologies, there is an increasingly complex legal and regulatory framework, the challenges posed by digitalisation as well as the expectations of the main contractor - all these factors...
Letzshop, the local shop that's just a click away
Letzshop, the online retailer, has developed rapidly since its launch in 2018. Its growth continued during lockdown with sales figures which literally skyrocketed, much to the delight of the online retailers! Decoding the success.
Craft business at a digital crossroads
La digitalisation est devenue une réalité dans bon nombre de métiers de l’artisanat. Si certains ne peuvent plus s’imaginer un quotidien sans outils numériques, d’autres n’ont pas encore entamé cette démarche.
- the virtual gateway to public administration.
The official website of the Luxembourg public administration receives some 570,000 unique visitors per month. In principle, all citizens, whether residents or not, can knock on the door of Interview with CTIE Director Patrick Houtsch.
Read the storyWhat exactly is GovTech? Strictly speaking, GovTech is the term used for technological innovation in the field of public administration. Its ultimate goal is to enable governments to provide better services to the public, citizens and businesses alike....
FNR Awards 2024
Since 2009, the FNR has been awarding prizes in order to nurture communication between researchers and promote scientific activities aimed at the general public and young people. Discover the 2024 edition!
Meluxina: Luxembourg's new supercomputer
Luxembourg has acquired a supercomputer with an immense calculating power. The new machine is actually one of the most powerful in Europe. It is known as MeluXina and is operational since June 2021. But what will it be used for?
Decentralisation, transparency and immutability are the keywords of blockchain. The pillars in Luxembourg have been built to determine the right development strategy of these supply chains and to adopt them for the overall good of the country.
E-embassies in Luxembourg
E-embassies are an innovative concept in diplomatic relations that ensure the hosting of sensitive data in a friendly country with guarantees of immunity. Luxembourg hosts the e-embassies of Estonia and Monaco.
Technological environment
Luxembourg provides an ideal technological environment for innovation leaders and growing businesses. Built on security and reliability with a renowned connectivity, the Grand-Duchy displays an ever-evolving digital infrastructure. Let's get technical!
Intellectual property
Read the storyApproachable and open-minded stakeholders, an extensive research and development environment and a favourable linguistic situation: Luxembourg offers an ideal environment for resorting to intellectual property rights, whether in the context of patents, trademarks, designs or models, or even...
Your business in Luxembourg
1535˚ Creative Hub
The creative industries are a source of employment and a major engine of economic growth, contributing to the country's cultural wealth. We present the first creative hub in Luxembourg: the 1535° Creativa Hub in Differdange.
The social and solidarity economy and societal impact companies
The portal dedicated to the social and solidarity economy, the 'Impact Luxembourg' label and the Social Business Incubator confirm the dynamism of the social and solidarity economy sector in Luxembourg.
Starting up a business in Luxembourg
Luxembourg offers many advantages for setting up your own business. Would you like to become independant? Then join us to find out how to do it and the success story of Anne Bauler, master seamstress!
The bioincubator of the House of Biohealth
From the spring of 2021, the third extension of the House of Biohealth will be entirely dedicated to hosting start-ups and spin-offs from the health technology sector.
Annen Plus - modern architecture has a name
Modern, innovative and aesthetic. This is how the architectural realisation of the buildings by the Annen company could be summed up in three words. Their wooden construction is based on a very innovative process, for which they have had many merits.
Genaveh: Luxembourgish chocolate jewellery boxes
Female craftsmanship, the democratisation of high-end chocolate coated with an image of luxury and the internationalisation of 'made in Luxembourg' are Genaveh chocolate factory's recipe for success.
Clubee – an ICT startup story
Clubee is riding a wave of success. 6 years after its foundation in 2014 and 5 years after its participation in Fit4Start, this virtual assistant for clubs and volunteer organisations is branching out to multiple markets.
FinTech, financial technologies in Luxembourg
An international, wealthy and favourable environment with an international financial centre and a solid ecosystem: ume is an innovative enterprise in the regulatory field of asset management and an example of an innovative technology enterprise.
QTRobot - autistic children's friend
La startup LuxAI a développé un robot humanoïde pour améliorer la sociabilité des enfants autistes. QT agit comme facilitateur d’interaction entre les thérapeutes et les petits patients.
SpaceTech start-ups - conquering space from the Grand Duchy
Read the storyThe launch of the Space Resources initiative in 2016 and the creation of the Luxembourg Space Agency in 2018 demonstrate the Grand Duchy's determination to create a solid, dynamic, innovative space sector and become a leading international player...
'Startup Luxembourg' eco-system
Read the storyFor innovative start-ups, the Grand Duchy is an attractive choice, with simplified access to decision-makers in both the public and private sectors and the availability of dedicated support. It's a dynamic international environment, centred on the business sector....
House of Startups: the link in the start-up eco-system
C'est dans des bureaux modernes dans le quartier central de la gare, en face de l'actuel siège d'ArcelorMittal, qu'on y retrouve la House of Startups. Elle rassemble incubateurs, accélérateurs et centres d'innovations. En tout, elle peut accueillir entre 150-200 startups innovantes.
Investment aid
Read the storyLuxembourg offers a whole range of aid measures to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. Aside from standard financial aid to foster investments in research and development (R&D) for companies, many public players offer tailor-made consulting to future entrepreneurs and...
Start-up Luxembourg: your unique portal to the start-up ecosystem
Read the storyAre you looking for a gateway to Europe, a test market for a new service or product, or a strong industrial or academic partner? Luxembourg's start-up ecosystem has taken a quantum leap in the past few years. Today,...
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