'Startup Luxembourg' eco-system

For innovative start-ups, the Grand Duchy is an attractive choice, with simplified access to decision-makers in both the public and private sectors and the availability of dedicated support. It's a dynamic international environment, centred on the business sector. The Grand Duchy is multilingual, multicultural and diversified; for start-ups, it can be used as an ideal test market for developing concepts and testing new products and services before an international launch.
Start-ups, incubators and accelerators
The 'Startup Luxembourg' eco-system currently includes more than 500 start-ups (mainly active in FinTech, InduTech, CleanTech and HealthTech, as well as automobile, space and cyber-security technologies) and more than 15 incubators and accelerators, with financial assistance available at each stage of maturity and dozens of events devoted to the creation of businesses.
There is a special focus on technology:
- SpaceResources.lu: the Grand Duchy has positioned itself as the European centre in the global economy of space resources.
- High-performance information technology: EuroHPC has its main headquarters in the Grand Duchy. In 2020, the Grand Duchy will be inaugurating a supercomputer for use by industries, start-ups, and small and medium-sized businesses.
- Digital embassy: In April 2018, the very first digital embassy got established in the Grand – that of Estonia.
- Cyber-security: in 2017, the government created a cyber-security skill centre, combining public resources and private-sector expertise.
- Infrachain: a public-private initiative aimed at facilitating the creation of semi-private blockchains across Europe.
Since the creation of the first incubator – Technoport – in 1998, other public and private initiatives have been established. Luxinnovation, House of Startups, and Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT) offer a varied range of support for young entrepreneurs. House of Entrepreneurship run by the Chamber of Commerce, and the not-for-profit association nyuko are also part of this entrepreneurial eco-system, as is the University of Luxembourg and other research, industry and health structures.
A gateway and events not to be missed
There are three major start-up events in the Grand Duchy each year:
- Arch Summit: benchmark event for tech start-ups, bringing together entrepreneurs, captains of industry, investors, decision-makers and technology experts.
- ICT Spring: regional conference on technologies.
- Fit 4 Start: an acceleration programme dedicated to start-ups with strong potential for growth.
The 'Startup Luxembourg' initiative launched by the Ministry of the Economy and Luxinnovation, is your gateway to the Grand Duchy's start-up universe. There, you will find all the relevant actors along with very specific information on the aid and support that the country offers to start-ups, as well as the Grand Duchy's complete Tech calendar.
Over the past decades, the Grand Duchy has constantly opened up to new ideas, innovated, and reinvented its economy by continually adapting to the changes and challenges raised by developments in the economic framework. The Grand Duchy's economy has seen regular growth, above the average for the European Union.
The www.startupluxembourg.com platform serves to highlight the Luxembourgish ecosystem and its players, to improve its international visibility and to facilitate contacts and business opportunities.
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