Information and communication technologies

Digitalisation goes hand in hand with opportunities and challenges. Aware of the potential of a timely and suitable technology, infrastructure and regulation, the Luxembourg government has placed digitalisation and information and communication technologies (ICT) at the heart of its concerns. In order to remain competitive at international level, the Grand Duchy pushes the development of digital infrastructures further.
Digital pioneer
Today, Luxembourg is already a prime location for companies from the ICT sector, which value guidance and modern infrastructures. But in order to remain competitive at international level, the Grand Duchy prioritises the development of its digital infrastructures. Artificial intelligence, 5G or setting up high performance computers (HPC) are at the very heart of Luxembourg's strategy.
Luxembourg's efforts are continuously recognised by international benchmarks. The Digital Economy & Society Index of the European Commission, which assesses the evolution of EU member states towards a digital economy and society, ranked Luxembourg in 6th position. In particular, the index notes the Grand Duchy's performances in the field of the adoption of fixed and mobile broadband. In terms of the information society, the ITU ranked Luxembourg 9th in the world.
Artificial intelligence
In a digital world filled with data, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise human life like few other technologies did before. This is why Luxembourg got into artificial intelligence to become one of the most developed digital societies. The strategic vision of Luxembourg's IA is based on the country's ambition to position itself as a pioneer in the digital field.
Luxembourg is determined to play its role as forerunner, Luxembourg being the first European country that established a public-private partnership on AI with the company NVIDIA. This joint research laboratory means that there is a close collaboration between various members of the Luxembourg scientific community, including, in particular, the High-Performance Calculation Centre of the University of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, and NVIDIA, a company employing some of the best computer scientists in the world.
The data economy
Luxembourg has published a strategy on the economy of data data and is in the process of establishing a high-performance computer (HPC) accessible to economic and research key players. The HPC Competence Centre will not only act as a catalyst by promoting data governance, but will also make anonymisation and pseudonymisation services available, as well as access, location and data sale plarforms.
Moreover, the government has recognised the need for a nourishing data ecosystem and has created the Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS), an economic interest group, to implement Luxembourg’s strategies in research, innovation, and digitalisation. LNDS enables value creation from secondary use of data, for public and private partners and supports the sharing and re-use of public sector data, in a trustable manner.
The LNDS service portfolio includes know-how, capabilities, tools, infrastructure, and data services. The services are developed together with data partners, through concrete data projects. Through efficient & responsible use of data and improving the secondary use of data, LNDS will support the acceleration of economic, ecological, and societal transitions.
Luxembourg thinks of information security as a major factor of economic attractiveness. Luxembourg is 11th in the world on the Global Cybersecurity Index, and is the promoter of many collaborative projects in this field. Luxembourg promotes informed governance by harmonising the requirement rules of regulators to reduce compliance costs. State actors provide objective case scenarios and metrics to carry out comparative risk analysis and work closely with the cyber insurance sector. Luxembourg's cybersecurity ecosystem is mature and welcomes the confidence shown by the Luxembourgish economy and beyond.
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