European Innovation Scoreboard

Luxembourg is the 7th best performing country in the EU. This is the finding of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), which aims to measure and compare the relative innovation performance of the 27 EU member states.
An attractive research system
According to the European Commission's Scoreboard, the Grand Duchy's research system is the most attractive in Europe. It is above all the University of Luxembourg and the publicly-funded research centres, including LIST, LIH and LISER, as well as FNR and Luxinnovation, that have made a vital contribution to this excellent performance.
Luxembourg's profile
To sum up, the Grand Duchy presents the following scores compared with the EU average in 2019 (index 100):
Framework conditions: human resources (155); attractive research systems (207); innovation-friendly environment (136).
Investments: finance and support (106); firm investments (63).
Innovation activities: innovators (142); linkages (88); intellectual assets (151).
Impacts: employment impacts (175); sales impacts (85).
The verdict of the European Commission
'Attractive research systems, Employment impacts and Human resources are the strongest innovation dimensions. Luxembourg scores particularly well on Foreign doctorate students, International scientific co-publications, Trademark applications, and Employment in knowledge-intensive activities. Firm investments, Sales impacts and Linkages are the weakest innovation dimensions.'
About the Scoreboard
Every year, the European Commission releases a comparative assessment of EU member States' performance in the field of innovation, comparing them to their international competitors. This data helps member States and the EU as a whole to assess which areas should be focused on.
Overall, the EU has improved its innovation performance by 8.9% between 2012 and 2019 and this year’s edition confirms that the member states continue to increase their performance at a steady pace. The EU innovation leaders in 2020 are Sweden (141), Finland (140), Denmark (134), Netherlands (128) and Luxembourg (126).
At a global level, this performance puts the EU ahead of third countries like the United States, China or Russia. However, it still ranks behind the world’s innovation leaders South Korea, Canada, Australia and Japan.
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