Research and innovation in Luxembourg

Luxembourg has implemented a national research and innovation strategy. The objective is to create a society that fosters sustainable, diverse and digital know-how, and to build a better future. Throughout history, the Grand Duchy has always been a dynamic country that has managed to re-invent itself on numerous occasions. Following in the footsteps of its industrial heritage and its role as a leading global financial market, Luxembourg is gradually re-modelling itself as a centre of excellence in the field of innovative technologies and research. Shining a light on the current scientific ecosystem

A national research and innovation strategy

"...allow research to drive innovation in industry, services and the public sector."

In 2020, Luxembourg launched a national research and innovation strategy. The objective is to establish the general framework to enable the scientific ecosystem to develop in a targeted manner and to make Luxembourg a country where sustainable, diverse and digital knowledge can thrive within ten years.

The four main areas are as follows:

  • Industrial transformation and services: autonomous and intelligent systems, robotics for Earth and space, future IT and communication systems, space telecommunications, monitoring Earth and space resources, materials science and technology, Fintech/Regtech, etc.
  • Sustainable and responsible development: climate change (energy efficiency, smart management, resilient ecosystems and agrosystems), economic development (green and sustainable finance, circular and sharing economy), societal development (migration and social cohesion, cultural heritage, etc.) and responsible development (framework and ethics for a data-driven society).
  • Personalised healthcare: complex biomedical systems, precision medicine, understanding, preventing and treating the transition between healthcare and disease, etc.
  • 21 century education: digital and innovative learning and assessment environments, learning in a multilingual and diverse society, equal opportunities, education for adults, etc.

These four pillars are key factors in the societal, ecological and economic development of the country.

The strategy has also established the governance, coordination of policies and infrastructures, the anchoring of science in society and the necessary funding instruments.

Find out more about these issues here.

© Kaleidico, Unsplash
© John Schnobrich, Unsplash

The research centres and their facilities

"...strive to learn, explore and make an impact to create a better future."

The research sector in Luxembourg is composed of several institutions, partners and stakeholders. Together, they form a team that supports the development of a knowledge-based economy.

Here is a list of the main public institutions: 

  • Research Luxembourg: Luxembourg brand for the research & innovation sector

In just a few decades, Luxembourg has successfully built a competitive, innovation-driven research ecosystem. Research Luxembourg is a joint initiative of the main actors in Luxembourg public research that reflects the priority given to research and innovation by the country. It aims to promote scientific cooperation and activities of the research and innovation sector with one ambition: provide the best conditions to make excellence grow and shape a sustainable future.

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© Christian Bauer Associés (CBA) / Baumschlager Eberle Sankt Gallen (BESG) / Eduard Hueber
  • the Luxembourg National Research Fund (Fond national de recherche, FNR): the main funding body for research activities in Luxembourg. It plays a key role in raising public awareness of research and advising on research policy and strategy.
  • Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER): the institute focuses on economic, social and spatial sciences with a special emphasis on living conditions, labour market, urban development and mobility issues, promoting cross-border interdisciplinarity.
  • The University of Luxembourg: the university directs its research activities with a strong ambition to be an international leader in key areas: material sciences, ICT, European and international law, FinTech, education, contemporary and digital history. The University also focuses on two interdisciplinary areas, namely the benefits of the digital world and health and biomedicine.
  • Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH): the public reference organisation for biomedical research focused on precision health, using patient-centred knowledge and technologies to have a direct and significant impact on public health.
  • Luxinnovation: the national innovation agency. It fosters Luxembourg's economic development by promoting innovation, nurturing international growth, attracting direct foreign investment and supporting companies in the elaboration of their projects.
  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST): the research and technology organisation specialising in the fields of environment, informatics, materials and space. It serves citizens, businesses and public authorities in research and innovation for a digital, resilient and sustainable society.
  • The Ministry of Higher Education and Research: the entity responsible for the organisation of higher education in Luxembourg.
© Chambre de Commerce

The research landscape in Luxembourg is highly attractive and flourishing. It benefits from a high level of international recognition thanks to its excellent infrastructure, which is made available to researchers, partners and companies and allows quality research to be carried out in the Grand Duchy. At present, more than 25 organisations ensure that science has an optimal environment to thrive in Luxembourg.

You can find a complete list of the research bodies and their location here.

Technology, cooperation and innovation

Innovation is a national priority. Luxembourg's research organisations are characterised by their openness to cooperation:

  • The government supports private research through public-private partnerships.
  • The transfer of know-how and technology, through intellectual property licensing, is developed by existing companies or through the creation of spin-off companies.
  • Research Luxembourg creates a broad range of spin-off companies.

Find all the details and concrete examples here