Intellectual property

Approachable and open-minded stakeholders, an extensive research and development environment and a favourable linguistic situation: Luxembourg offers an ideal environment for resorting to intellectual property rights, whether in the context of patents, trademarks, designs or models, or even copyrights or neighboring rights.
An ideal environment for your intellectual property rights
National and international laws and conventions recognize the fruit borne by Intellectual efforts as intellectual property rights for the protection of certain non-material assets.
Luxembourg's remarkable performances in the area of intellectual property are regularly highlighted, both at community and international level, even though the country has seen a sharp rise in the number of jobs in high density economic sectors of intellectual property of intellectual property rights (IPRs). These days, an ever-growing part of the market value of businesses is generated by IPRs, which have become one of the main facilitators of economic development.
In Luxembourg, intellectual property and innovation go hand in hand
Aside from its attractive R&D policy, Luxembourg can boast other indisputable advantages:
- a flexible linguistic system in terms of administration: in particular for patent and trademark application, thus cutting procedural costs. Moreover, multilingualism is a key advantage of Luxembourg's economy, positioning Luxembourg as one of the most competitive countries in the world. Professionals in the field as well as all stakeholders concerned are able to offer multilingual advice and services.
- A favourable tax and legal environment: the net incomes derived from the use of patents, trademarks, designs and models, copyrights on software or domain names acquired or created after 31st December 2007 benefit from an 80 % tax exemption under certain conditions. As a result, you can benefit most from the fruit borne by your intellectual, commercial or artistic creation. The new rules introduced in 2018 refine this tax system in favour of intellectual property, which forms part of the government's general strategy of consolidating a competitive framework in favour of innovation, while complying with new international and European tax principles;
- Accessible stakeholders: in a small country like Luxembourg, paths are short and hierarchies are flat. It makes things easier to contact a decision-maker on the topic and obtain answers swiftly;
- Competent contact persons: in Luxembourg, all areas of intellectual property are dealt with by a single national administration, i.e. the Intellectual Property Office (Office de la propriété intellectuelle - OPI) of the Ministry of Economy, which is in charge of the legal and regulatory framework regarding instruments offered to enterprises and creators, to allow them to protect and value their intellectual property assets, such as the management of patents for inventions. The Intellectual Property Institute Luxembourg (IPIL) that serves as a primary contact point for companies develops and offers support and guidance services for companies, research stakeholders, public institutions and any other interested public by developing and ensuring training as well as promotional and awareness-raising activities.
Office for Intellectual Property
19-21, boulevard Royal
L-2914 Luxembourg
Tel.: (+352) 247-84113
Institute for intellectual property Luxembourg
134, route d'Arlon
L-8008 Strassen
Tel.: +352 274-80210
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