Entrepreneurial education by the association Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg

Learn to foster and develop an entrepreneurial spirit, prepare for the future using the "learning by doing" method and inspire, innovate, create... These are the key phrases and words which embody the entrepreneurial education programme of the association Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg which is already part of the curriculum in several schools. We spoke to Nadia Battello, the company's director, about the association's programmes and values.
An introduction to the subject
Three questions to Nadia Battello, the director of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg
Please tell us more about the association, its mission and values...
Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg asbl has a clear mission: to nurture an entrepreneurial spirit in the younger generation by inspiring and supporting them in turning their ideas into reality, and by encouraging them to get actively involved in society. To achieve this goal, we offer a wide range of educational programmes aimed at developing various skills, such as creativity, innovation, proactivity and responsibility.
Inclusivity is at the heart of our values: each person should feel respected, valued and encouraged to fulfil their potential, regardless of their social or educational background.
We aim to help the participants to achieve a positive and lasting transformation, with a clear focus on cultivating team spirit. The cooperation between young people and professionals creates an inspiring experience with opportunities for experimentation and exploration, which develops their self-confidence and ability to foster innovative thinking.
The goal is to help young people to learn how to seize opportunities, take responsibility and acquire an entrepreneurial mindset through practical experience. These fundamental principles shape a generation of passionate young leaders, ready to make a positive and lasting contribution to society.
Could you give us more information about the mini-enterprises programme in secondary education and the Young Enterprise Project in higher education?
In secondary education, the mini-entreprises project is proving to be a powerful catalyst for stimulating an entrepreneurial spirit among secondary school students. Throughout a whole year, students embark on an entrepreneurial adventure by creating and running their own mini-enterprise, making decisions and taking responsibility for various issues such as management, human resources, accounting and marketing.
At the heart of this programme, teachers are no longer simply purveyors of knowledge, they embrace the role of "coaches". By interacting with business professionals, students gain an outlook on the real world.
At the end of the school year, pupils have the opportunity to take part in the "Mini-Enterprise Finals", an annual competition that recognises the best projects of the year. The winning team may even have the chance to represent Luxembourg at an international competition.
As part of the Young Enterprise Project ambitious young people take up the challenge of unearthing an innovative, feasible and economically viable idea for a product or service, and developing a solid business model around it.
For the duration of the programme, the participants benefit from the support of professionals and are encouraged to create prototypes. They also get to present their projects to a panel of judges at a national competition. Subsequently, the winning team will have the unique opportunity to represent Luxembourg at the European final.
Beyond the competitive aspect, the Young Enterprise Project aims to nurture students' entrepreneurial and personal skills, such as creativity, perseverance, self-confidence, initiative, teamwork and a sense of responsibility.
What do you like the most about working with young creatives and entrepreneurs?
Our programmes go beyond books and traditional classrooms. My objective is to cultivate positive learning experiences that serve as catalysts to help the younger generation blossom. It is through this quest that my passion is perfectly attuned to the mission of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg: learn how to be an entrepreneur.
I firmly believe that education shapes the citizens of tomorrow and provides the foundation for a robust and resilient society which is ready to face the challenges of the future. We put students at the heart of the process: our approach encourages them to turn their ideas into reality. It also gives them a sense of responsibility and encourages practical, multi-disciplinary learning.
On a personal level, I find it immensely fulfilling to meet young people brimming with ideas, ambition and passion, and I get to make an active contribution to their development.
Many thanks to Nadia Battello for this interview. We would like to inform our readers that due to formatting reasons, some passages of the interview have been summarised.
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