Objectives and strategy of Luxembourg's cooperation

Luxembourg's cooperation pursues the main objective to reduce and, in the long run, completely eradicate extreme poverty by supporting sustainable development in economic, social and environmental terms.
A new general strategy
While the number of people living in extreme poverty slightly declined in 2018, half of the world's poor remains trapped in 'fragile' situations that are often marked by conflicts. Today, development cooperation must face a heightened complexity and interdependence when it comes to challenges, such as migration, armed conflicts, pandemics and climate change. As a result, Luxembourg's cooperation has designed a new general strategy.
Luxembourg's new strategy has evolved from sectoral prioritisation to a more inclusive approach based on the principle of 'leaving no one behind' of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda and centred on the following four priority themes:
- improving access to quality basic social services;
- strengthening the socio-economic integration of women and young people;
- promoting sustainable and inclusive growth;
- promoting inclusive governance.
These topic areas rely on Luxembourg's expertise, in particular in the field of education, professional training, health and rural development. At the same time, in order to achieve innovative projects, Luxembourg relies in particular on its comparative advantages, in other words its international financial centre and skills in the ICT sector.
The four priority topics lined up on the 2030 Agenda are, in particular, aimed at contributing to significant progress regarding the achievement of the 12 following sustainable development goals:
- no poverty;
- zero hunger;
- Good health and well-being;
- quality education;
- gender equality;
- clean water and sanitation;
- affordable and clean energy;
- decent work and economic growth;
- reduced inequalities;
- climate action;
- peace, justice and strong institutions;
- partners for the goals.
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