Recognition of foreign school and higher education diplomas

Luxembourg is a country with a large foreign population. Out of a registered population of 660,809 in 2023, a total of 313,400 are foreigners, and many need to take steps to ensure that their studies and qualifications are recognised so that they can continue with education and training or practise certain professions. We outline the various possible scenarios so that you know which government body to contact.
Primary and secondary studies
Diplomas, certificates, school reports and other qualifications obtained abroad at primary and secondary schools (general or vocational) can be recognised as equivalent qualifications in some conditions.
For this level of study, there are three possible options:
1. Applying for recognition of the level of primary and secondary education without achieving a final diploma
This applies to children subject to compulsory education who wish to join the Luxembourg schooling system and for adults wishing to return to a course of study in Luxembourg.
Further details about the procedure are available at
2. Applying for recognition of a baccalaureate/Matura or other secondary education diploma
The conditions for the recognition of equivalence vary depending on the country that issued the diploma and whether it is a signatory to the Paris or Lisbon Conventions on the mutual recognition of diplomas or a third country that has not signed these conventions. The International Baccalaureate has specific conditions related to the criteria set by the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
Further details about the procedure are available at
3. Applying for recognition of the level of studies, the equivalence of diplomas and the equivalence of professional qualifications
This applies to some commercial and liberal professions, crafts and trades, and health and socio-educational professions, which may require a licence to practise.
The conditions for the recognition of equivalence depend on the country that issued the qualification and whether or not it is an EU Member State.
Further details about the procedure are available at
Where to submit applications regarding primary and secondary studies:
The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth deals with the recognition of equivalence for primary and secondary education. Applications regarding these levels of study should be sent to the Service de la reconnaissance des diplômes (Department for the Recognition of Diplomas).
Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
Service de la reconnaissance des diplômes
29, rue Aldringen. L-1118 Luxembourg
Postal address: L-2926 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 274-85910
Applications can be submitted by post, by email or via
Recognition is awarded on a case-by-case basis, except for nursing and midwifery diplomas obtained in an European Union Member State: in this case, since the minimum training requirements have been harmonised at European Union level, equivalence is recognised automatically.
Languages of documents and sworn translations
Copies of supporting documents in applications for the recognition of studies or diplomas must be either in one of the three official languages of Luxembourg – French, Luxembourgish or German – or in English. If the documents are not in these languages, they must be translated into one of these languages by a sworn translator in Luxembourg. The Ministry of Justice keeps an up-to-date list of sworn translators.
Certified copies of documents issued outside the European Union
Copies of supporting documents in applications for the recognition of studies or diplomas issued by countries outside the European Union must be certified as true copies of the original by a competent authority. Communal administrations, embassies and consulates usually offer this service.
Higher education
Introductory note: some professions require a licence to practise even for those who received their qualifications in Luxembourg. Here we will only look at the procedures for diplomas awarded outside Luxembourg.
For this level of study, there are three possible options:
1. Academic recognition
This procedure confers the right to hold an academic title and indicates the corresponding level in the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework. It involves registering the qualification in the Register of formal higher education qualifications (registre des titres de formation, section de l'enseignement supérieur). Academic recognition does not include recognition of the content of studies and therefore does not confer the right to exercise a regulated profession.
The conditions required for academic recognition depend on the country where the diploma was awarded: Belgium and the Netherlands (Benelux diplomas are automatically recognised) or a non-Benelux country (holders must apply to register their qualification in the Register of formal higher education qualifications).
Details about the supporting documents to be included in applications and the fees required are available at
Where to submit applications regarding academic recognition:
Ministry of Research and Higher Education
Service Registre des titres
18-20, montée de la Pétrusse. L-2327 Luxembourg
Postal address: B.P. L-2915
Tel.: +352 274-86619
Applications can be submitted by post or via
2. Professional recognition
The sole aim of this procedure is to provide access to a regulated profession. It does not confer the right to use an academic title and does not indicate the corresponding level in the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework. Before applying for professional recognition it is often necessary to obtain a business permit (autorisation d'établissement) or a work permit (autorisation d'exercer une activité professionnelle).
The professions for which professional recognition is required can be found here:
Details about the supporting documents to be included in applications and the fees required are available on the Ministry of Research and Higher Education.
Where to submit applications related to professional recognition:
Ministry of Research and Higher Education
Service Reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles
18-20, montée de la Pétrusse. L-2327 Luxembourg
Postal address: B.P. L-2915
Tel.: +352 274-86619
Applications can be submitted by post or via
3. Official recognition (homologation) of law degrees
Homologation is the official recognition of a foreign degree in law. This is still required for admission to the regulated profession of lawyer and for access to complementary courses in Luxembourg law (cours complémentaires en droit luxembourgeois– CCDL). The process only applies for this purpose.
Details about the supporting documents to be included in applications and the fees required can be found on the website of the Ministry of Research and Higher Education, which processes all applications.
Exception: holders of the right to practise the profession of lawyer in another European Union Member State are generally exempted from the homologation procedure and may apply directly to the Ministry of Justice for authorisation to practise as a lawyer in Luxembourg.
Where to submit applications for the homologation of law degrees:
Ministry of Research and Higher Education
18-20, montée de la Pétrusse. L-2327 Luxembourg
Postal address: B.P. L-2915
Tel.: +352 274-86619
Applications must be submitted by post or by email.
Accreditation of prior experiential learning
Accreditation of prior experiential learning (validation des acquis de l'expérience – VAE) is a process for the formal recognition of professional or personal skills for the purposes of obtaining a qualification. Qualifications obtained through accreditation of prior experiential learning are as valid as those obtained through initial education.
Accreditation of prior experiential learning can be requested for three levels of education:
1. Secondary education
Accreditation of prior experiential learning can offer access to certificates and diplomas for vocational training, general secondary education or the master craftsman's certificate. Details are available on and on the website of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.
Where to submit applications related to the accreditation of prior experiential learning for secondary education:
Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
Validation des acquis de l'expérience
29, rue Aldringen. L-2926 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 247-85912 / -65253 / -85993
Applications can be submitted by post or via
2. Higher education
In the field of higher education, the process for the accreditation of prior experiential learning is decentralised. Each institution sets its own administrative procedures for applicants.
In Luxembourg, accreditation of prior experiential learning may apply especially to:
- Bachelor and Master programmes awarded by the University of Luxembourg.
- Training programmes for an advanced technician's certificate (brevet de technicien supérieur – BTS) awarded by secondary schools in Luxembourg.
Details about conditions, deadlines, supporting documents and contact organisations are available at
3. Continuous vocational training
Anyone interested in the accreditation of prior experiential learning for continuing education certificates obtained through evening classes should apply to the Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center run by the Chamber of Employees.
Details about conditions, deadlines, fees and supporting documents can be found at
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