Focus on renewable energies

Renewable energies are constantly on the rise, steadily gaining ground on the path to energy transition. Luxembourg is on the right track to reach its objective with its green energy development support project, 'Gréng relance fir Lëtzebuerg'.
Renewable energies are still on the rise within the European Union, which has set the goal for green energy to reach 32% of energy usage by 2030.
In the face of this major goal, Luxembourg is strengthening some of the measures of its National Energy and Climate Plan, which it has just sent to the European Commission. This blueprint describes the policies and measures in place to reach the national objectives in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (-55%), renewable energies (25%) and energy efficiency (40 to 44%) on the 2030 horizon.
'Clever Wunnen': two stones, one throw
Everything has been well defined for the periods 2020-2021 and 2021-2030. In the short term, it is about reaching out to craft businesses so they can get back on their feet in the aftermath of the pandemic, while strengthening the sector's support programmes (Neistart Lëtzebuerg).
Increases in financial aid from the package 'Gréng Relance fir Lëtzebuerg - E Plus fir d'Klima, d'Handwierk an d'Bierger' have also been put in place to encourage sustainable upgrading of energy efficiency for housing. The programme 'Clever Wunnen' is part of the official blueprint on the path to energy transition, which is reflected in a significant reduction of energy usage and a drastic reduction of Co2 emissions.
In practice, this transition can be seen in the adoption of regulations, programmes and projects in specific fields between 2020 and 2030. But for private individuals, it is essentially manifested by attractive financial aid for upgrading energy efficiency.
Financial aid
- Subsidies for sanitation and energy consulting are the basis for all projects related to upgrading energy efficiency.
- An exceptional bonus is granted for replacing boilers (heat pump and wood-burning boiler).
- Subsidies are granted for solar thermal installations, heat pumps, wood-burning boilers and connections to district heating.
Clever fueren and Clever lueden: supporting soft mobility
Mobility related aid is also granted in the context of the programme 'Gréng Relance fir Lëtzebuerg – E Plus fir d’Klima, d’Handwierk an d’Bierger'. It provides for purchase premiums for bicycles and pedelecs as well as for quadricycles, motorcycles, electric mopeds and cars. These are reinforced for all purchases until the end of the 1st quarter 2021.
From now on, up to €600 is allocated to the purchase of a new bicycle (+ 100%), up to €1,000 to the purchase of a new electric quadricycle, motorcycle or moped (+ 100%), as well as a flat-rate bonus of €8,000 (+ 60%) to the purchase of a new 100% electric car/truck. As for "plug-in" hybrid vehicles (≤ 50 g CO2/km), the premium granted is always €2,500. (Eligible are vehicles ordered until the end of the 1st quarter of 2021).
But also at the level of the recharging infrastructure, efforts will be doubled. In addition to the establishment of a network of public charging stations, bonuses for home charging stations will be extended to accelerate the transition to electric mobility.
Practical information
All the information on financial aid is available on the Klima Agence website. You can also reach myenergy advisors on the hotline 8002 11 90.
Applications for financial aid must be completed via and will then be processed by the Environmental Administration.
Please note that the low-interest and 0% interest climate loans are still available to anyone willing to upgrade energy efficiency.
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