All-time high in solar energy in Luxembourg

The high number of sunshine hours in spring coupled with an increase in the photovoltaic surface area over recent years have been key factors in reaching a historical peak of solar energy in Luxembourg in March and April 2020. In addition, teleworking during the weeks of lockdown had a positive influence on electricity demand, which declined. The transition to climate neutrality seems to be making great strides.
A photovoltaic boom in Luxembourg
With 306.3 hours of sunshine in April, which is well above average, the exceptional weather was one of the reasons behind the historical peak of solar energy in Luxembourg. Nevertheless, it is thanks to the considerable increase in the installed power of photovoltaic panels that this level of solar energy production - more than 42% compared to the same period in the previous year - could be achieved.
In fact, from March 1st 2014 to March 1st 2019, a total of 1,950 photovoltaic installations were subsidised via the PRIMe House scheme, for a cost of EUR 9.6 million. As part of an energy policy geared towards a sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply, this financial aid is aimed at improving the energy performance of single-family houses or apartments.
All united for solar energy
Luxembourg wants to accelerate the timelines for renewable energies in order to reach around 25% clean energy by 2030 and 100% in the long term. With this in mind, the aid scheme for the promotion of photovoltaic energy has been strengthened since 2019 and increasingly involves private individuals. In addition to the PRIMe House grants, many other instruments are offered to implement different sustainable energy projects.
Would you like to play an active role in this sustainable energy transition? For more information about photovoltaics and financial support for individuals, please consult the website of Klima-Agence, the national body for the promotion of a sustainable energy transition.
Teleworking - a tool to combat climate change
During lockdown, the electricity demand in Luxembourg declined by 28.1%, in particular in the banking sector. Many players in the tertiary sector have made use of teleworking, without affecting household demand for electricity.
On top of the potential for fostering a work-life balance, teleworking has proven to be a tool for improving air quality and preventing congestion, as well as having a positive influence on the demand for electricity.
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