Clever fueren: a major boost for electric mobility

Good news for motorists who want to switch to a zero-emission vehicle. The Clever fueren financial support packages have been extended for an additional 24 months. 100% electric motor vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as well as conventional bicycles and pedal-assisted bikes will continue to be covered by this scheme.
Currently, there are 17,425 electric cars on Luxembourg's roads, which corresponds to a market share of 3.9%. However, there is still room for improvement to achieve the target of 49% by 2030, which was set by the government as part of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC).
To reduce this gap, and to tackle the oil crisis, the government has just upped the ante. As such, the financial support to promote the mobility of tomorrow has been extended by an additional 24 months until the end of March 2024.
The financial support of 8,000 euros, introduced as part of the Neistart Lëtzebuerg programme, will be maintained for 100% electric cars, provided that the vehicle's electrical energy consumption does not exceed 180 Wh/km, i.e. electric vehicles with a consumption of no more than 18 kWh/100 km.
A new condition has been imposed though. The threshold has been extended to 200 Wh/km, provided that the maximum net power of the 100% electric car's propulsion system is less than or equal to 150 kilowatts. The new provision provides that the minimum holding period shall be increased from 7 to 12 months for all vehicles registered in the Grand Duchy.
You can find all the information on the financial aid available on the website You can also contact myenergy advisors on the hotline 8002 11 90.
Applications for financial aid must be completed via and will then be processed by the Environmental Administration.
Good news for large families!
For the most energy-intensive cars whose electrical energy consumption exceeds the threshold of 180 Wh/km, the subsidy of 3,000 euros has been extended.
The special conditions for large families have been maintained. In other words, to satisfy the needs of large families, a subsidy of 8,000 euros has been allocated for cars with seven or more seats, provided that the applicant is part of a household of at least five people.
From this point onwards, a subsidy of up to 600 euros will be allocated following the purchase of a new bicycle (+ 100%). This sum will rise up to 1,000 euros for the purchase of a new quadricycle, motorbike or electric moped.
The new measures apply to cars ordered or purchased between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2024 with first entry into service before the end of 2024.
Key figures
In 2021, almost one in five cars sold in Luxembourg was an electric vehicle. Overall, 9,092 zero-emission vehicles (100% electric or plug-in hybrids) were registered at the end of last year, representing a market share of 20.5%.
Over the course of the past three years, the State has awarded almost 37 million euros in State subsidies for electric cars.
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