Equal opportunities

Luxembourg is devoted to creating a society with no gender stereotypes, advocating for gender equality in all areas of life. It is firmly committed to the fight against domestic violence and gender-based stereotypes and has passed a law on the principle of wage equality.
A Ministry dedicated to gender equality
Luxembourg established a Ministry dedicated to gender equality in 2015, the Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity. Luxembourg is the only EU state with a ministry whose responsibility is exclusively gender equality. Its missions and initiatives focus mainly on legal and factual equality between women and men.
One of its main tasks is to implement gender mainstreaming in the Grand Duchy's political structures. The fight against gender stereotypes in all domains is part of that policy.
Learn more about gender equality in Luxembourg on the Portal for Equality.
Equality in the workplace
The Law of 15 December 2016 incorporated the principle of equal salaries in the Grand Duchy's legislation. Since that date, it is illegal for there to be any difference in the salaries paid to men and women carrying out the same task or work of equal value.
Private sector companies as well as administrations and public sector institutions may take part in the Ministry's programme of positive actions on a voluntary basis. As part of the programme, an independent survey analyses the degree of equality between men and women within the participating body. A plan is then drawn up jointly with a view to improving the initial situation.
Strong action to combat domestic violence
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has had legislation to combat domestic violence since 2006. In addition to providing for the expulsion from the family home for up to 14 days for perpetrators of domestic violence, this legislation also provides for taking care of and subsequently monitoring both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.
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