BEE SECURE: Supporting young people and helping parents with digital education

Have you ever felt uncomfortable online due to unwanted messages or questionable content? Such experiences are increasingly common and illustrate the importance of online security. For over ten years, BEE SECURE has been committed to promoting a positive digital culture and raising young people’s awareness of the risks associated with internet use by means of a diverse programme.
An initiative for the future
Technology is constantly evolving and digital trends are an integral part of our everyday lives. Young people in particular are increasingly active on the internet and social media. These media may seem really easy to use, but cybersecurity still has to be learned. This is where BEE SECURE comes in. What are the risks and how do I deal with them? How should I behave on the internet? Where can I find help? Its goal: to shape a responsible generation of internet users and promote a positive digital culture.
To achieve this, BEE SECURE offers a comprehensive range of services:
BEE SECURE offers free training sessions in up to four languages in schools, youth centres, after-school centres and other locations. Children and teenagers from primary school age to their final year of secondary school can take advantage of this offering. There is also a selection of courses for adults to help them better accompany young people on their digital journey. The courses are as diverse as the internet landscape itself.
For example, there is an introduction to the digital world for the littlest ones. That way, they can already learn about the risks and how to behave online while at primary school.
Older pupils look into more complex topics such as data protection or misinformation on the internet. As such, they gain an insight into the everyday use of data and learn to critically question information.
What’s more, BEE SECURE organises larger digital security events.
The Safer Internet Day (SID) is celebrated in Luxembourg each year. During this event, current online problems are discussed and various activities are organised for all ages, under the slogan "Together for a better Internet". This year's edition featured the Movietalk was part of SID.
Additionally, the DigiRallye takes place twice a year. With its partners, BEE SECURE also offers workshops and activities to teach children how to use media responsibly in a fun way.
In addition to the larger events, BEE SECURE also offers smaller informative events, such as parents' evenings.
BEE SECURE Helpline & Stopline
BEE SECURE offers a counselling service and a reporting platform.
- The BEE SECURE Helpline is a free, anonymous helpline which offers advice and personal support on issues related to online security and digital media.
- The BEE SECURE Stopline is an anonymous platform for reporting illegal content on the internet. The reports are checked and any relevant content is passed on to the competent authorities.
The campaigns complement BEE SECURE’s wide range of services.
At the beginning of each school year, BEE SECURE launches a national campaign to raise public awareness on a current topic. Their 2023/24 campaign Keep your space safe will focus on cybersecurity education. BEE SECURE provides tips and life hacks to help protect devices and data from internet risks.
A government initiative for young people
BEE SECURE, launched by the government, has a clear objective: to make the public, particularly young people and those around them, receptive to the responsible use of digital technology. The National Youth Service (Service national de la jeunesse) and the KJT counselling service work together behind the scenes, but they are by no means alone. A whole range of national institutions are behind the initiative, and BEE SECURE has excellent connections at international level.
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