Finding a place to live

Searching, renting, buying ... A lot of people would like to find a place to live in the Grand Duchy. This page will provide you with all the useful information you need to guide you through the process of renting or buying property.
Getting started
Taking stock of the real estate market can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to a country. The Housing Observatory collects collects data on the housing market and, throughout the year, analyses the supply and prices of housing and building plots. It also gives you comprehensive overviews of price evolution in different towns throughout Luxembourg, as well as Luxembourg City's various boroughs. You can check the average price per square metre for each municipality (place) and for each district in Luxembourg City, based on the average displayed price for classified ads on a real estate website.
Bear in mind that the resident population is growing constantly - it increased by 20% between 2010 and 2018 (from 512,029 to 613,894), and this has placed a considerable burden on the property market, despite efforts to increase the construction of housing. As a result, the prices are relatively high. The price of apartments has climbed faster than that of houses, especially in Luxembourg City and neighbouring municipalities.
In the Grand Duchy, as elsewhere, trying to find a place to live involves looking at property listings on specialised websites and in the local press. It is also possible to contact directly any of the numerous estate agents in the Grand Duchy or via the Vivi property information and advertisement portal. Many online real estate portals also advertise online and in the press, and they will be a go-to for a good overview of Luxembourg's real estate market.
Staying informed
Procedures are different from country to country, but in Luxembourg you can check and complete existing procedures and financial aid schemes (not just relating to real estate) easily on, Luxembourg's online administrative portal. Check out their page on how to go about renting an accommodation and about procedures to go through to buy your own home.
Are you concerned about not knowing your rights in regards to renting or buying accommodation? The Luxembourg Consumers' Union can offer you information and assistance in order to better understand your rights and obligations in terms of lease contracts and construction law.
What to look out for?
So, now you have an idea where to look and have found that charming appartement or house you've been dreaming about. What are the next steps?
Registration and municipal services
As soon as you are moving, you will need to register at the local authority of the place you are moving to. If you are moving within Luxembourg, they will contact your former authority and announce your move. However, if you are moving to Luxembourg, different rules may apply.
Getting connected
Broadband internet is available everywhere in Luxembourg, together with a fast expanding fibre optics network. Although the infrastructure is owned by Post Luxembourg, residents are free to choose their provider.
Water, gas and electricity
In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, consumers are free to choose their electricity or natural gas supplier. Check out the Calculix website of the Luxembourg Regulatory Institute (ILR), which can find you the best deal for your new accommodation.
For your water supply, you will need to contact yourmunicipal administration.
When you arrive, you should think about taking out the following insurance policies with one of the insurance companies established in Luxembourg:
- third party liability insurance for motor vehicles. This insurance is compulsory and driving a vehicle without being properly insured leads to being fined.
- private third party liability insurance to protect you and your family against the financial consequences if you cause harm to a third party (not compulsory in the Grand Duchy but warmly recommended);
- fire insurancefor your accommodation (not compulsory in the Grand Duchy but strongly recommended).
You will find alist of insurance companies established in the Grand Duchy on the website of the Supervisory Authority for the Insurance Sector (Commissariat aux Assurances).
What else to look out for?
Whether you are renting a property or buying one, here are a few things to look out for:
Renting a property
Relocation agencies
To find a property to rent, you can also use a relocation agency. These companies offer a personalised service to facilitate your installation in a new residence. they can help you look for a flat, deal with the administrative formalities, find a school for your children, etc.
Rent and other charges
For rented properties, agency fees generally represent the equivalent of one month's rent, to which is added 17% VAT. Before moving in, you must also pay a deposit (rental guarantee) of up to three months' rent, as stipulated in your rental agreement. In some cases this deposit is paid directly to the owner, or it may be put into a blocked bank account in the form of a bank guarantee. Anyone wanting to rent a property who doesn't have the resources to pay the deposit required by the owner can apply for financial assistance from the State to fund the deposit.
Flat- and house-sharing
This can be an interesting alternative for anyone looking for a degree of conviviality and wanting to keep their accommodation costs down. Visit websites such as, which allow you to advertise and look for advertisements for flat-sharing in the Grand Duchy! Be aware that a charge may be made for some of these advertisements!
Are you energy-saving or energy-consuming?
While you are browsing the property listings, be sure to check the energy performance certificate of the different properties available. This mandatory document, that the owner must have drawn up by experts, provides interesting information on the energy performance of your future home.
Buying a property
Tax credit
It should be noted in this context that the Luxembourg Government has introduced an allowance known as thetax credit to reduce the ancillary expenses associated with buying property. The credit applies to registration and transcription fees and is available to anyone wishing to acquireproperty(and certain types of outbuilding) for personal residential purposes.
State assistance
People wishing to buy residential property are also entitled to several types of financial assistance from the State, but certain conditions apply.
More information can be found at theCitizens portaland on the website of theMinistry of Housing.
The energy performance certificate
It should also be noted that it is obligatory to arrange for anEnergy Performance Certificateto be drawn up whenever there is a change of owner or tenant in a residential building. More information about this is available on the website.
Clever ideas for students
If you are a full-time student, you can apply for student rental accommodation on the website of the University of Luxembourg's Student Housing Unit. Students usually rent a furnished room in a residence or a fitted-out house shared with other young people. Furnished and fitted-out studios are only available for doctoral students. Existing accommodation, which costs between €350 and €590 per month, is allocated based on availability. However, waiting lists can be long.
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